Body-Jet Water Assisted Liposuction System


Body-Jet Water Assisted Liposuction System

Introducing the Body-Jet Water Assisted Liposuction System. The innovative body-jet from human med employs the gentle power of water-jet assisted lipoplasty (WAL), a fundamentally new approach to lipoplasty. Unlike traditional liposuction methods, the body-jet uses a gentle jet of water to simultaneously dislodge and remove fat from the body, while sparing blood vessels, nerves, and surrounding tissue. The procedure is safe, effective and easy, offering outstanding results with minimal risk, significantly shorter procedure times, and less discomfort and recovery time for the patients.

The transformative power of water

Just as rivers and streams can reshape our natural environment, so can the power of water be harnessed to sculpt and shape the body. Using a fan-shaped laminar jet, the Body-Jet® simultaneously irrigates and aspirates fatty tissue. The gentle separation of fat cells from connective tissue minimizes trauma to the patient. At the same time, significantly less infiltration fluid is needed with the WAL procedure as compared to traditional methods, helping to reduce exposure to tumescent fluid, minimize swelling, allow real-time precise contouring, and dramatically shorten procedure times.

Body-Jet Water Assisted Liposuction System Features

  • Spares surrounding tissue
  • Minimizes trauma for the patient
  • No general anesthesia required
  • Minimizes bleeding, bruising and swelling, patient risk, and exposure to tumescent fluid
  • 70% less TLA infiltration fluid needed
  • No bloating —  gives an excellent intraoperative view for precise real-time contouring
  • Low correction rate
  • Shorter procedure
  • Easy fat removal
  • Gentle removal helps protect fat for subsequent autologous fat transfer
  • Minimal patient discomfort
  • Fast patient recovery


There is not a lot trauma with the Body-Jet Water Assisted Liposuction System, as the water gently removes the fat cells. As a result, there is less swelling and bruising, so recovery is faster. Most patients are able to return to regular activities within 2 days. With traditional lipo the cannula is moved back and forth to break up the fat cells, and the force creates significantly more trauma, resulting in a longer downtime.

The gentle removal of the fat with water-assisted lipo keeps it in-tact, and this makes it better suited for re-injection as part of a fat transfer procedure. Some doctors combine body jet lipo with procedures such as facial rejuvenation using fat grafts. There is less risk associated with body jet liposuction, as patients are usually given mild anesthesia, compared to general anesthesia for traditional lipo.


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