Olympus OCS-3 Colposcope


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Olympus OCS-3 Colposcope

Introducing the Olympus OCS-3 Colposcope for sale.

Colposcopy’s many advantages have made it a vital facet of gynecological care. Physicians depend on colposcopes to quickly identify changes in the cervix. The Olympus OCS-3 Colposcope maximizes the benefits of colposcopy by building on a tradition of optical excellence, delivering images of exceptional resolution and brightness.

The unique Olympus 3-objective lens system makes photo-documentation possible without flash. In addition, the Olympus OCS-3 Colposcope incorporates important advances in colposcope utility and performance. Plus, improvements in viewing and lens adjustment mechanisms make the OCS-3 versatile enough to match the individual needs of the operator. All these features are built into a scope that ensures clarity of observation, documentation, and analysis.

Olympus OCS-3 Specifications

  • Power input: 230 V
  • Frequency: 50 – 60 Hz
  • Magnification: 7.9x – 23.5x
  • Objective Lenses: f=300
  • Tubes/Eyepieces: G 20x
  • Green/Cobalt Filter
  • Fiber-Optic length: 43-1/3″
  • Light Source: Halogen Bulb 160 W | 15 V
  • Tripod height adjustment: 36-1/4″ x 44″
  • Pantographic arm: 21″
  • Base diameter: 24-1/2″
  • On casters with breaks

About Colposcopy

Colposcopy is a visual exam of your cervix that your physician will likely perform if you receive an abnormal result from a pap smear. Abnormal results might include the presence of HPV (human papillomavirus), cervical dysplasia (precancerous abnormal cells), cervical cancer, or squamous cells. A pap smear is not enough to diagnose the abnormal cells; it is just a screening to detect them. Therefore, more testing is required to check for or rule out HPV, precancerous lesions, or cancer. The colposcopy is usually the first follow-up exam your physician will perform.

Potential reasons for a colposcopy include:

  • Viewing the cervix to determine the cause of abnormal Pap tests. If abnormal tissue is found, a biopsy for this tissue is often ordered.
  • Check for sores, warts or other issues found around the vagina or cervix.
  • Follow up for abnormalities detected in a previous colposcopy, or to see if a previous treatment has been successful.
  • If an HPV test shows a high-risk form of HPV is present, colposcopy can be used to check the cervix for problem areas.

Colposcopies can help diagnose several important diseases or conditions:

  • Cancer: Cervical cancer, vaginal cancer and vulvar cancer can all be detected by this test
  • Cervicitis: This is a condition involving inflammation of the cervix
  • Precancerous changes: These can occur in cervical or vaginal tissue, or in the vulva.

Additional information

Weight 80 lbs
Dimensions 35 × 30 × 51 in


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