Last fall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report that stated that nearly 40 percent of all adults in the United States are obese – the highest rate ever recorded. Americans are the fattest nation on the planet, beating out China, India and Mexico, with over 109 million people suffering from being overweight.

With diet and exercise as the two most obvious remedies for the nation’s obesity crisis, some Americans have choose to simply suck the fat out of their hefty bodies. Cosmetic surgery is a multi-billion dollar industry in the US and millions of Americans visit plastic surgeons each year for liposuction procedures that eliminate their issues with obesity in minutes.

Dr’s Toy Store in Hallendale Beach, Florida is the leading provider in new and pre-owned Cosmetic Surgical liposuction equipment in the South Eastern United States. Rob Raymond and his expert staff not only carry top brands such as Vaser Power X and Micro-Aire, but also stock several models of aspirators by industry Icon Wells Johnson and Byron.

The VASERlipo System is designed to optimize every step of the body sculpting procedure. Contained in one easy-to-maneuver unit, it requires a minimum amount of space and can produce impressive results. Dr’s Toy Store stocks the PowerX System, a power-assisted liposuction device that is built for speed. The attached cannula rotates based on predetermined angle and speed settings, allowing physicians to quickly remove fatty tissue all the way around the cannula, rather than just above or below the orifice. This unit normally sells at over $83,000, but Rob Raymond and his sales staff have priced this machine at the low price of $65,000.

The MicroAire 1020 and 1025 Electric Liposuction Console and PAL System is indicated for assisting the surgeon with the removal of tissue or fluid from the body during general surgical procedures including suction lipoplasty for the purpose of aesthetic body contouring. Again Dr’s Toy Store has this unit priced thousand of dollars below it’s competitors.

If its aspirators you are looking for, not only does Dr’s Toy Store carry two of the most popular brands on the market today. DTS offers the full line of Wells Johnson Aspirators from the Aspirator 1 to the Hercules and the Whisperator. Another top Aspirator that Dr’s Toy Store has available at thousands below it’s competitor’s price is the Byron Liposuction System, that has been marked down from $23,500 to $19,000.

The United States might have an obesity problem, but with deals like these, the nation’s top cosmetic surgeons have the machines to make America thin again.

by  on MARCH 6, 2018 in BUSINESS