
The Laser hair removal is one the most commonly sorted ways for doing away with unwanted hair for good, especially in the developed countries these days. Using the Syneron Aurora Laser is a medical procedure that uses an intense, pulsating light beam. In this procedure, the laser beam passes through the skin to each hair follicle. The intense heat generated by the laser beam damages the hair follicle, and in turn prevent the regrowth of hair.

Read More About the Syneron Aurora Laser Hair Removal Benefits

The Syneron Aurora Laser involves combining the intense pulsed light electro-optical synergy with radio frequency energy. The pioneers of this treatment are Dr. Patrick Bitter and Dr. Stephen Mulholland. The Syneron Aurora Laser is the first laser device which is approved by the FDA. It is famous for permanent hair reduction in almost all skin types. It is, however, more effective in treating lighter hair.

In laser hair removal treatment, not a large range of scary sharp medical tools are required. The medical equipment for laser is rather simple. It is a laser machine. The machine is however expensive. Other than this, no other medical equipment is as essential. The use of the laser machine is not easy though. It needs an expert and professionally trained person to perform it because it may entail some risks if not properly done. So, one must check the credentials of the dermatologist one is seeking.

Before undergoing the laser hair removal treatment, your hair will be trimmed short. The laser machine will be adjusted according to the color, thickness, and location of the hair to be removed. You and your doctor may have to wear eye protection depending upon the type of the laser being used.

Laser hair removal treatment has many advantages over the other conventional hair removing techniques

  1. Firstly, the laser treatment is famous for its precision. It targets the coarser hair alone, leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. This is because the laser recognizes the pigmented area of the skin, which is the hair follicle. Hence, the hair follicles are burned.
  2. Secondly, it is a speedy process. In this era where time is money, laser treatment can be an ideal solution for hair removal. The laser is designed to treat a large number of hairs in a given area, all at the same time. If you intend to remove hair from your upper-lip, the total time required would be less than a minute.
  3. In comparison to the other commonly employed hair removing techniques like waxing and threading, laser is comparatively far less painful. The pain varies from patient to patient, and it also depends on the area subjected to laser hair removal. Some areas are more sensitive than the others.

In addition, the probability that you will grow hair again after the laser hair removal treatment had been done on you is very less. There is, in fact, a fair chance that you might never grow them back after five to six sessions. If at all some do grow back, they will be less dense, thin, and light-colored. So, it can be safely said that the Syneron Aurora Laser is the best solution to your unwanted hair problem.